2015 Utility Dry Van 53’ X 102” X 13' 6"
Air Suspension / Aluminum Roof / Swing Doors / Side Skirts / Metal Interior Side Walls with Logistic Posts on 16” centers
The item or items your are reviewing is available for inspection at our address below:
15609 Valley Blvd.
Fontana, CA 92335
Drop by anytime or call Charlie to schedule a viewing
Charlie Silvers
760 218-0080
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Price does not include government fees and state/local taxes, or any applicable fees. Depending on the age of the vehicle, normal wear and tear should be anticipated. Prices are subject to change without notice. While we do our best to describe our vehicles accurately, some descriptions and/or images provided by third parties may differ from the actual information or appearance of the vehicle. Elite Truck And Equipment Inc. assumes no liability for omissions or errors in this vehicle's description and encourages prospective buyers to verify the information carefully through contacting the dealership directly. Elite Truck And Equipment Inc. has the right to cancel a sale or a promise of a sale if an incorrect price has been given by mistake. All finance offers are O.A.C (On Approved Credit) / O.A.D (On Approved Deposit).
Our payment calculator tool is based on Tier 1 Credit and provides estimated monthly payments only. Actual payments may differ from that shown.